CEDRR talk: "An integral socio-semantic network approach to symbolic construction of culture"
9 – 10 November 2022
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM - Zoom link: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/92532455307?pwd=SUtxYlh1Ymo2eWtwbzhHYit3NkhMQT09
On 9 and 10 November, Nikita Basov (Saint Petersburg University - Bielefeld University) will present socio-semantic network approach as part of CEDRR talks and a following hands-on workshop for the DISSINET project.
The lecture is titled 'An integral socio-semantic network approach to symbolic construction of culture' and Nikita Basov will present using of Multilevel ERGMs in order to analyze how different domains and levels of social networks affect cultural consensus and tightness.
Wed 9 November 2022 at 10:00 CET in room B2.12, Arna Nováka 1, Brno and via Zoom (hybrid format)
On the following day, Nikita will lead a workshop on socio-semantic approach, in which he will briefly guide us through the process based on one of his papers ("The Ambivalence of Cultural Homophily: Field Positions, Semantic Similarities, and Social Network Ties in Creative Collectives" published in Poetics, which examines how culture affect social ties in professional fields) in the morning, and in the afternoon the participants can discuss their own data and tasks with regard to what could be done using a socio-semantic approach.
Thu 10 November 2022 in room B2.12, same time and venue
Zoom link for the lecture and workshop. The events have a hybrid (physical and online) format.
Nikita Basov got a PhD in Sociology from St. Petersburg University in 2009. Since 2013, he had been leading the Centre for German and European Studies of St. Petersburg University and Bielefeld University, as Senior Researcher and, then, Lead researcher at St. Petersburg University. In December 2022, he starts as Senior Lecturer in Network Analysis at the University of Manchester.
Nikita heads long-term international research projects spanning across Europe and investigating the fundamental principles of socio-cultural microdynamics: co-evolution of meaning, social structure, and material context. On the method side, he induces advancements in multidimensional socio-semantic and socio-material network analyses, with a particular focus on mixing qualitative methods with computational methods and statistical network modelling. Related papers appear in Social Networks, Poetics, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, and Applied Network Science. He edited special issues and volumes in Poetics and Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. He created and organized dozens of international events, including six editions of Networks in the Global World international conference and four St Petersburg Summer Schools in Network Analysis.

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