Articles, maps, data, tools
Gender, kinship, and other social predictors of incrimination in the inquisition register of Bologna (1291–1310): Results from an exponential random graph model
PLOS One, year: 2025, volume: 20, edition: 2, DOI
Analisi delle reti sociali delle comunità valdesi germanofone nell’ultimo scorcio del XIV secolo
Storia dei valdesi 1 : Come nuovi apostoli (secc. XII-XV), edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2024, number of pages: 20 s.
Endogenous dynamics of denunciation : evidence from an inquisitorial trial
Pnas Nexus, year: 2024, volume: 3, edition: 9, DOI
Toponymic surnames and the spatiality of heresy prosecutions : Peter Seila’s register of sentences from the Quercy region (Languedoc), 1241–1242
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, year: 2024, volume: 11, edition: February 2024, DOI
Modeling systems of sentencing in early inquisition trials : Crime, social connectivity, and punishment in the register of Peter Seila (1241–2)
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, year: 2023, volume: 56, edition: 3, DOI
Hearing voices : reapproaching medieval inquisition records
Religions, year: 2022, volume: 13, edition: 12, DOI
Historical Geocoding Assistant
SoftwareX, year: 2021, volume: 14, edition: June, DOI
Mining multiple sources of historical data : The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
Proceedings of the International Cartographic Association, year: 2019
This section features some interactive and static maps presenting data collected or transferred into digital form within the DISSINET project. We are interested in the places of dissident activities and places of origin or residence of people suspected of heresy as well as in the spatial distribution of the official Church infrastructure and of medieval religious communities displaying some similarities or historical links to dissident religious cultures.
Houses of heretics: Cathar religious houses in Languedoc, 1175–1244
This interactive map shows settlements in Languedoc in which Cathar religious are attested to have dwelt publicly in houses they owned or rented. The period covered ranges from the oldest memory going as far back as 1175 up until the fall of the castrum of Montségur in 1244. The dataset on which the map is based constitutes the most extensive list of settlements with “houses of heretics” in Languedoc available to date.
Interactive map
Dataset online
Data sources: Toulouse, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 609 (edition by Evans & Sherwood, n.d.; Duvernoy, 2002; Rehr, 2019); Duvernoy, 1976: 231-232; Roche, 2005.
Data by David Zbíral.
Map by Adam Mertel.
Lollards, 1414–1522
This interactive map is based on the Lollard trials. It shows the places of origin of English dissidents under investigation for taking part in the revolts of 1414 or 1431, related to Lollardy, or holding various heretical opinions that are commonly referred to as Lollard. In addition, it shows in which of these places the owners of unauthorised English religious books were uncovered. A total of 260 sites were transferred from the Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte by Jedin et al., based on the research of J. A. F. Thomson and J. Fines. The plotted sites indicate only the presence of suspected Lollards and revolt participants, not their numbers or importance.
Interactive map
Dataset online
Data sources: Thomson, 1965; Fines, 1964; Jedin et al., 1970.
Digitized and geocoded by Jan Král.
Map by Adam Mertel.
Religious houses in Czech lands
This interactive map application presents the most complete available digital data set of Christian religious houses in the Czech lands from the beginnings up to the present day. The data were manually compiled on the basis of the extensive, so far nine-volume encyclopedia by Milan Buben, Encyklopedie řádů, kongregací a řeholních společností katolické církve v českých zemích.
The map covers 782 records and thus represents a very comprehensive resource on the development of Christian monastic life in the Czech lands. However, a crucial gap is the absence of female religious houses, because the volume on those has not yet been published. Female houses are thus covered only insofar as they were described as part of a record in the hitherto published volumes.
Interactive map
Data sources: Milan Buben, Encyklopedie řádů, kongregací a řeholních společností katolické církve v českých zemích I-IV.
Digitized and geocoded by Hana Hořínková.
Map by Peter Ondrejka.
Dataset design and supervision: David Zbíral
Cathar endura
This static map displays all known specific instances of Cathar premortal fasting (endura) which could be localized. The size of the map symbol indicates the number of cases.
Dataset online
Data compiled and geocoded by David Zbíral.
Map by Adam Mertel.
Heresy cases in the West, c.1000-c.1150
This interactive map application presents the most complete dataset of early cases of heresy in the West, ca. 1000–1150, compiled from original Latin sources. It shows locations, heresy cases linked to those locations, and mentions in the sources, on which the description is based. The application allows filtering by time, religious aspects (beliefs and practices), and intervention (type of action against heresy, outcome of the case).

Interactive map
Data source: close reading of original sources
Type of primary source: chronicles, letters, charters, theological treatises, synodal acts, annals, vitae, books of miracles,
exegetical commentaries, etc.
Data: Lidia Hinz-Wieczorek
Map: Peter Ondrejka
Dataset design and supervision: David Zbíral
Recommended citation: Hinz-Wieczorek, Lidia; Ondrejka, Peter; Zbíral, David (2023). Early heresy: heresy cases in the West, c.1000–c.1150 (v. 0.5.0). Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET). Retrieved May 29, 2023, from
Heresy and occupation in Bologna around 1300
An interactive map of occupations, dissident religious affiliations, and locations of residence of nearly 900 persons suspected of heresy in the inquisition register of Bologna, 1291–1310.
Interactive map
Data source: Paolini, Lorenzo, and Raniero Orioli, eds. 1982. Acta S. Officii Bononie ab anno 1291 usque ad annum 1310. 3 vols. Roma: Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo.
Data: Katia Riccardo
Map: Peter Ondrejka
Dataset design and supervision: David Zbíral
Recommended citation: Riccardo, Katia, Peter Ondrejka, and David Zbíral. 2024. ‘Heresy and occupation in Bologna around 1300’. Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET).
The DISSINET team maintains a publicly accessible collaborative bibliography in Zotero. You can either browse the bibliography online or, if you use Zotero, go to Zotero website, find the group “Dissident Networks Project”, join the group, and use the bibliographic records directly in Zotero desktop application (browse, search, copy, expand, reorganize, etc.). The main areas covered are social network analysis, historical network research, digital humanities, historical GIS, and medieval heresy, inquisition, society, economy and demography. We plan to gradually enrich this Zotero bibliography with records from David’s older textual bibliographies concerning the inquisition and various medieval dissident cultures.
InkVisitor is an open-source, browser-based research environment designed to assist researchers in the humanities and social sciences in transforming texts into complex structured data for further exploration and analysis.
InkVisitor implements a specific method of text-oriented data collection, Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO), which is highly attentive to semantic detail and the qualities of the original expression. InkVisitor serves as a data-entry front-end for JSON-format research databases (RethinkDB). These databases allow for complex queries and render the data available for various kinds of computational analysis.

Historical Geocoding Assistant
The “Historical Geocoding Assistant” is an open-sourced browser-based application for assigning geographic coordinates in a more convenient and faster way than copy-pasting them from services such as Google Maps. The application was designed with historical projects in mind but is suitable for any geocoding work. Essential features:
- works online with a live Google Spreadsheets table;
- gathers suggestions of coordinates from gazetteers for instant use (GeoNames, Wikipedia, Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Pleiades, and China Historical GIS);
- integrates search services (Google Maps, Google Search, Peripleo);
- supports multiple base layers (OpenStreetMap, satellite images, Imperium, etc.);
- supports multiple overlay layers;
- allows setting relevant spatial extent;
- allows spatial uncertainty levels.

HGA web application (for direct geocoding of any Google Sheet)
Source code